2008년 11월 13일 목요일

Artemis Fowl

Entry 4

Artemis, Holly,Qwan, and N1 is sucked by the time tunnel , and gets transported to Hybras. Artemis thinks that the bomb has enough energy to send them back to their dimension.
While Artemis was placed in Hybras, Abbot had became the king of Hybras. He realized that Artemis and his companions are inside his kingdom. He accuses Artemis for using Mesmer, and claims that demons can not use magic.

Artemis finally goes to Hybras. I knew this would happen anytime in the book, because he always saves the world. However, this time, it was different. He was not in his dimension, but in different dimension. I think this chapter of the book is very exciting. Lots of different things happened, and I hope it turns into a best story in the series of Artemis Fowl.

2008년 10월 29일 수요일

Artemis Fowl

Entry 3
No1 is still an imp. However, it feels that itself is different from other demons. No1 thinks itself is a Warlock, and it assumes that being Warlock is resisting him to transform.
When Abbot asks No1 to do a "task" to help the transforming imp, No1 goes to the magma, and gets this attraction from deep inside its heart, asking him to take off the silver from his body.
This places him in the mud people's dimension again, in a theater where Artemis Fowl, Bultler and Holly is waiting. His appearance freaks "normal" people out.
Demon appears infront of Artemis again, and this time, everything was planned under Artemis's calculation. However, there was one problem that troubles Artemis. An unknown group of people kidnaps the Demon, and runs away. Soon, Foaly finds out who they are, but a high politician asks them to kill the demon.
What would Artemis do? I believe his not going to kill the poor imp, in stead he will save it from the dangers his in. I am pretty sure that Artemis will save something again in this Episode.

2008년 10월 22일 수요일

Artemis Fowl : The lost Colony

Entry 2

For the three chapters as introduction, Artemis Fowl introduced each character and slowly connected the characters. Artemis Fowl's time travel (?) with the demon gave a clue of what demons are, and forshadowed that the demons were take a important role in the story.
Secondly, formal LEP officer, Holly was introduced, and showed a formation of the new group between Foaly, Holly, and Mulch. Artemis Fowl was included in their plan again.
For this chapter, the society of demons were introduced, and especially about a special imp ( demon before the warp) called No1. This imp wants to be a demon, but struggles with the nature of demons, because he is rather soft than other imps in his school. Because of this softness in his heart, he gets picked on his peers and even his teachers.
No1 wants to warp into a demon, however, I think his softness has blocked his ability to warp into a demon.
I think the introduction of this one special imp, foreshadows Artemis Fowl's new relationship with No1, and Artemis's role over No1's future.
I bet Artemis is going to stop the demons' rebellion against humans and elves.

2008년 10월 15일 수요일

Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony

Entry 1

The series of Artemis Fowl is one of my favorite series, and it's been a long time for me to read one of those.

Artemis Fowl : The Lost Colony starts in the scene where Artemis Fowl and his butler standing in the street of Barcelona. From the previous series, Artemis Fowl was everywhere around the world, so this did not surprise me at all. However, soon, the appearance of the Demon, had surprised me. Then, the Demon kidnapps the Artemis Fowl away from Butler, and the scene changes dramatically from Barcellona into other Dimension and the time suddenly changed to past, way before Artemis was born. It seemed as if it is impossible for Artemis to escape from the other dimension, but the silver on Butler's wrist brings Artemis back to his world.
The transition of the scenes were so fast, and this made the story more interesting. The appearance of the new specie ( Demon ) was interesting for me as well, because it did not appear in the series in the past.
When the Artemis Fowl was going through these adventures, Former LEP captain Holly, is shown in the new chapter, and frankly, she calls the dwarf Diggums, a partner. Holly and Diggums tries to catch one pixie, to get some bounty out of it.
Soon Holly and Diggums finds out that this pixie is into a bigger problem, and the former technical chief of LEP, Foaly, searches for Holly, and they discusses about the Demon appearing in their world, and the familiar name who was included in this incident: The Artemis Fowl.
This situation made me curious because Holly was originally one of the members of LEP, but she had become a bounty hunter. Then my curiousity risen because of the name Artemis Fowl, because I believe and know that owner of that name will make the story really interesting.

2008년 10월 6일 월요일

Sign of the Qin

Entry 4

Discarded Empress, Silver Lotus, meets the Tattooed Monk, and the Monk trains her and teaches her martial arts. Soon they fall in love to each other. Because of this love, the Monk sins against the Master Hand. So for the punishment, the tattooed monk was assigned as a guardian
to the infant prince, with the Monkey.

Meanwhile, the Prince Zong grows, and his royal abilities grows. Monkey as the guardian gets close to the prince, and they soon becomes close friends. The Guardians decides to teach the boy
the highest fighting - Monkey Kung Fu. Zong grows happily, until the Master hand steals his child hood.

Finally, the story seems to continue. However, the story is bit irony, because the Silver Lotus trains her martial arts and even falls in love with the Tattooed Monk. I think the stories which were so apart from each other, will be connected through the series of these events.
I will be able to understand why each chapters were so sepererated.

2008년 9월 28일 일요일

Sign of the Qin

Entry 3

The Lord of the dead, Yamu woke the Old Bones. Old bones was dragon living in dungeon under the Imperial city, where the Innocent ruled over the Evil. Yamu woke the dragon up.
When the dragon was awake, Yamu talked about the Han and its emperor. Han was getting weak and weak, but Lord Yamu decides to help them. Then Yamu tells Old Bones to be prepared, because whenever Yamu wants his help, Old Bones had to be ready for support.
The story is getting more complex and weird. On every chapter I read, they have different characters coming out, and the whole chapters seem like this story is all filled up with short stories.

2008년 9월 27일 토요일

Sign of the Qin

Entry 2

The monkey was kneeling infront of the mighty master hand. The monkey was kneeling down as if he was a criminal, and he was a criminal in heaven, for stealing Valuable stuffs from dragons and the Master Hand.
The monkey was being scolded by the Master Hand, and a hearing was held. Nobody liked this monkey since he stole many things from them. They requested the Master Hand to give him a serious punishment. However, the Master Hand wanted to give him a last chance.
Monkey wanted to live. Monkey did not really regret what he did, but he just wanted to get out of the trouble which he had put himself in.
The wise tatooed monk wanted a serious punishment against the monkey. He was the most wise being in the world. Tatooed monk even thinks that the monkey is helping the king of the dead.
At the end, the monkey gets locked up in the jail, but the Master Hand has a plan to give this monkey a last chance to save himself.
This chapter made me more confused. Why does monkey appeared in the next scene of birth of a baby?
However, after reading this chapter, I soon realized that the story of monkey is similar to a traditional chinese story called Son- Oh –Gong. One of the most famous story in China. The beginning of that story also starts with a smart and mighty monkey attacking the heaven, and getting punished by God. He also gets a last chance from mercy of God.
So I think this story is connected with the traditional Chinese story I read before.

Sign of the Qin

Entry 1

The new prince of the province of Shandong, and King Han’s son has born. Han saw the boy was handsome, with noble features and a thick thatch of black hair framing his well-shaped head.
His features proved his royal blood.
When Han was satisfied and turned around from the baby, an amorous pair of turtle dove rosed in the garden and the baby tried to listen to the turtles. Then he saw the birth mark, and the face turned pale. The birthmark clearly showed the exact symbol of the Qin.
This made the emperor roar on Silver Lotus, the infant’s mother. When Emperor Han called out for Silver Lotus, she was ready for the punishment. At the end of her life, she whispers her baby “Whatever happens, little one,”, “You are the prince, Don’t forget your heritage.”
The first chapter of the book, was a bit hard to understand, because, the author did not describe much about the background of the new born baby. I was curious why the author chose this scene to be the first chapter of the book, but I think the reason is because the baby will become the main character of the book.